5 Series Webinar: five top tips for managing sickness absence
Hosted by Employment Law expert, Simon Robinson
It’s an inevitable fate that people are going to be off sick from time to time, and while most employees feel they are neglecting their duties, absence because of sickness can potentially put any business in a tricky situation.
It is important that you have a sickness absence policy in place which will allow you to deal with absences consistently and effectively, and that you make your employees aware of the standards of attendance and your methods of reporting, so they know what you, as an employer, expect of them.
In this webinar, Simon shares his top tips for managing sickness absence in the work-place. He looks at how you can ensure the correct procedures are in place for you to manage employee sickness absence to build an accurate picture as to whether there are levels or patterns of unacceptable absence trends that you may need to address.
Simon’s five top tips are:
- Keep in contact with employees who are off sick
- Don’t jump to conclusions
- Hold return to work interviews
- Get good medical advice
- Conduct capability hearings fairly
Click here to view the full webinar from gunnercooke llp on Vimeo.
If you have any questions or queries regarding this subject or any other employment law matters, contact Simon directly and he will be more than happy to help.
DD: +44 (0) 7538 237 920
Email: [email protected]
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