Wussten Sie, dass 10.000 Stunden „entwickelter Praxis“ als Marke gilt, ab der man ein Experte oder eine Expertin ist? Gute Nachrichten: Jeder gunnercooke Partner und jede gunnercooke Partnerin hat schon mehr als 10.000 Stunden anwaltlich gearbeitet. Sie haben hier also nur mit ausgewiesenen Rechts-Expert*innen zu tun.
Do you know how to respond to a sexual harassment claim made in the workplace?
Sexual harassment in the workplace can explicitly or implicitly affect an individual’s employment by unreasonably interfering with their work performance, creating an intimidating, hostile, and / or offensive work environment.
Reports of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are at an all-time high following the ever-increasing reports in the media of allegations across every industry. The actions taken after an employee alleges sexual harassment or discrimination can be key in limiting the employer’s potential liability.
Inspired by the recent #MeToo campaign gunnercooke lawyer, Simon Horsfield, focuses on the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace and how to respond to an allegation.
In this webinar, Simon gives an in-depth overview of:
What is and isn’t sexual harassment
How to respond to an allegation of sexual harassment
The potential overlap with whistle-blowing legislation
How best to manage any resulting claims.
If you have any further questions on this topic or other employment law matters, please do get in touch.