Wussten Sie, dass 10.000 Stunden „entwickelter Praxis“ als Marke gilt, ab der man ein Experte oder eine Expertin ist? Gute Nachrichten: Jeder gunnercooke Partner und jede gunnercooke Partnerin hat schon mehr als 10.000 Stunden anwaltlich gearbeitet. Sie haben hier also nur mit ausgewiesenen Rechts-Expert*innen zu tun.
In practice, Senior Executive departures can often be complex and the cost of ‘getting it wrong’ can be considerable.
They are sophisticated in their approach as many Senior Executives may begin to instruct a lawyer at an early stage in the process, so it is important that businesses are aware of what the potential issues could be. Negotiations can also often be more protracted with Senior Executives as there are other issues to consider, such as incentive or bonus arrangements.
In this webinar, Employment Law expert Rebecca Davidson focuses on the key issues HR departments and HR managers should be aware of before they start negotiating terms of departure with Senior Executives:
Why might you need to negotiate terms of exit with a Senior Executive?
Why is it important to get it right?
The effect of getting it wrong.
If you have any further questions on this topic or other employment law matters, please contact Rebecca Davidson who will provide more guidance where necessary.