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Does your business have a process in place for leading employee investigations?
Every business will encounter issues with employees from time to time, yet they can be stressful for even the most experienced HR professionals. If an issue with an employee is considered ‘low risk’, it may be easier to settle it without a formal investigation. However, if a matter has the potential to cause bigger problems, then having a proper process can be critical to protecting your business from future risk. It is important to ensure that your business has the correct policies and procedures in place to manage investigations in the best possible way.
Your process should help your business to manage its risk effectively. Think of it as a thorough fact finding exercise. It allows you to assess all of the information relating to the matter, impartially, before making an informed decision on a course of action.
In this insightful webinar, Angela Brumpton gives a thorough overview of the do’s and dont’s, including:
What is a fair investigation?
How much investigation is required?
Evidence Sources
Policies and Procedures
Suspension during investigation
Who should conduct an investigation?
Witnesses and reluctant witnesses
After the investigation
If you have any further questions on this topic or other employment law matters, please do get in touch.