Christmas Reading List 2018

December 12, 2018

Christmas Reading List 2018

Wonderful Lives by Dr Nick Bayliss – this Cambridge Don and Psychologist explains fundamental principles and every day skills drawn from remarkable individuals to create a great life


The 100 Year Life by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott about what our lives will look like. Most people born today will live to be 100. Most 60 year olds today will live to their 90”s. This book shows you how to prepare for it


The Richer Way by Julian Richer. A fantastic common sense book on how to get the best out of people


Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris – the tactics and habits of billionaires and world class performers such as how to ask questions like best selling author Malcolm Gladwell


Why we Sleep by neuroscientist Matthew Walker – simply fascinating


And finally at this time of year we should never forget those worse off than us and be inspired to get involved, Impossible is a Dare by the founder of Hope For Justice , Ben Cooley does precisely that, as they seek to fight for a world free from slavery